Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mission Organization...

I would absolutely love this whole living room set from Pottery Barn...but it's not happening anytime soon, so instead I've realized I need to become more organized while I patiently wait:)

As soon as I finally get off the blog, I'm going to start be more organized! Over the next month (yes it will take me at least that long), I'm going to re-organize every room! Today I'm going to start in the living room... any advice on what any of you do to do keep things organized in your living room??? Take in consideration that we are in a small condo, so any extra storage space ideas would be great:)


Me said...

I don't have any good tips. I wish I was a better organizer, too. I always think it will be too expensive getting bins and baskets & stuff, and I do not know where to start. Figure it out then let me know how to do it best. ha!

Michelle said...

You Go Girl! The only thing that seems to work for me is the motto "less is more."

Tara Joy said...

I will tell you what. I have been on a "mission" around here too. I just trash and DI everything. I get in those moods and look out. If you leave something out it just might be in the DI pile. Plus do I really need the all the crap that accumulates over time.

CB said...

My advice with the living room is to keep as much as possible OUT of the living room! I did away with the hidden toy bin (the toys never made it back into the bin so it was never really "hidden") and that made all the difference! That's all I did but it seemed to work! Good luck!

Mandy Frehner said...

Loooovvvvveee that set set. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to just purchase something exactly the way it looks in the magazine? And have it stay that way? You've ssen my house, I have no tips for you. But please pass the info on when you figure it out so I can become organized too.

Carly said...

Like Michelle said, less is more. that is seriously my motto. I get rid of stuff left and right all the time. And to be honest, when I think back I don't remember what it was I got rid of? I guess that means it wasn't very important to me. If it's something that I know I can't live without, but I don't need it out, then I store that in a box in a closet. Just don't be a pack-rat! That's the only advice I can give. Good luck! I wish that picture was my front room. Throw a few stains on the couches, knock some of the decor off the walls, put some fingerprints on the windows, and get rid of anything that could be broken in anyway or form and then it would be my front room! HAHA

Katie said...

I'm with you-- I love that room! Good luck on the organization bug. I love it when I get "the bug" because I can get so much done. Too bad I don't get it very often :)

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

I wish I could be more organized. My mom's motto is, if you haven't used it in the last 6 months, time to get rid of it. This is a REALLY good idea since I have tons of stuff that I go a long time without using and wouldn't miss it if I got rid of it. I use something similar in my closet too but I have to say if I haven't worn in the last season it was used then it needs to go. Let me know if you find anything helpful on organization. :) Good luck!

Nat said...

I love Pottery Barn too! My ultimate prize to win would be a Pottery Barn home makeover (cause I don't think I could ever afford their stuff but I love it!) Anyway, no tips. I need a serious organization rehaul also. My house is so little, I just don't know what to do. My best trick is to keep all the stuff I can out of my living areas (bedrooms, living room, etc) but unfortunately our basement is a DISASTER with junk everywhere. Good luck!