Monday, September 22, 2008

Top 5 reasons....


5. You don't want to hear them saying "I want this!" "Mommy, "I want this!" Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!!!!

4. You end up spending more money, because you end up buying them at least one thing so you don't have to hear them whining!

3. You don't want to hear, "I need to pee pee mommy! I need to pee pee mommy! Mommy, I'm going to pee my pants, I need to pee pee right now!"

2. You don't want them pulling down glass figurines that will break all over the place and make you look like a complete fool!!

1. When you give them the look of death after this happens and explain to them in your nice mommy voice why they should have listened to me when I said not to touch... you don't need your sassy pants daughter to say, "Whatever, mommy don't look at me like that, Luke's the one that did it!"

That is what happened to us today. I had to go to the Dollar Tree to get some stuff for activity days. In my mind the Dollar tree is the best place to take your kids, because if they do make you mad you can easily just leave, and not feel so bad. (It's the dollar store). Anyway, I got everything I needed and went down an isle and I stopped for a minute, when all of the sudden...crash, crash, bang! Luke pulled a glass shelf down and about 20-30 little stupid glass figurines and the shelf fell over and broke to pieces! (he did all of this while sitting in the cart!)Ok, it is the dollar store, but I was so embarassed. Everyone comes running over asking if he's okay! (and the mean mom that I am thought...sure he's ok right now!) When I went up to pay I told the manager I would pay for everything and he told me, we'll pretend it was about $5 worth. I felt so bad because I know it was a lot more than that:) Believe it or not I had cooled down by the time we got to the van, but it just confirmed why I hate taking kids to the store!


The Whittacres said...

Hugs! The joys of having kids. Just think in a few years you will look back and laugh and use it as a story to tell all of his girlfriends. :)

Mandy Frehner said...

Oh Sara, I guess be glad it was the dollar store and not some really expensive breakable:)
I was having one of those moments at the Post Office today. Why do I have my two children with me when there are like 100 people standing in line!
Glad you survived, (and Luke and Madi too!) I think Madi's comment would have thrown me over the edge!

Tara Joy said...

Wow! I have no idea what I would of done. Probably screamed and yelled right there in the middle of the store:) Man I am so sorry. Ahhh! the joys of motherhood.

Nat Lud said...

Ooh, I hear ya! I HATE taking my kids shopping--or anywhere public for that matter! Way to keep your cool!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

Oh dang! I feel for you girl! I am not always so excited to take Austin to the store either cause I hate the, "I have to go potty mommy!!" screamed at the top of his lungs or I wanna truck, or I wanna something. That is SO annoying. I think we should always get to shop without our children unless by some miracle they can be angels. I agree with Mandy...little miss sassy pant's comment would have put me over the edge!

CB said...

Oh Sara, you are much better mom than I am! I probably would have lost it right then and there...the joys of having 2 kids in school..I only have to take 1 with me to run my errands!

Me said...

oooh, Ive been there. glad you cooled down before you whooped them.

Katie said...

It is so nice to know I am not the only one who experiences moments like this:) Kids and shopping do not mix!

Michelle said...

I think any Mom has been there! I remember when I was pregnant with Ava and Isaac would act up in the store I could feel people's eyes saying, "Why are you having another when you can't control the one you have."

Heidi said...

Little Madi is so funny! I will watch your kids for you ...when and if we ever move in our house!!! Thanks for letting me come over your house EVERYDAY for the past few weeks!! We need a spa night!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope my kids never do that! I probably would have a heart attack!!! LOL! That was funny!

Nicole said...

OH, that's awful. So sorry! At least you weren't in Macy's or something. In our Safeway, to get to the bakery you have to pass through the wine aisle, which is for some reason very narrow. Everytime I freak out while Catherine's hands are reaching out of the little car trying to touch all the pretty bottles. It's totally a nightmare waiting to happen. At least he didn't get hurt. The worst part is the way people look at you like "why would you have three kids and take them to the store."