Thursday, February 5, 2009

Little monster...

I can't even begin to describe this little stinker today:) I'm just grateful the day is done, and let's pray that tomorrow brings me much more patience and Luke a lot less energy:) Between spilling my diet coke at Target, throwing multiple tantrums, trying to rip my earrings out....I'm ready to pull my hair out:) And why does he always do this at my favorite shopping place, Target? NOT FAIR! With that being said...he can be a sweetheart and loves giving kisses...I hope we both get some much needed rest tonight! LOL.


Katie said...

Oh Sara! I so understand days like that. I'm glad for your sake it's over. Just think...only 4 more months of terrible two's.

Lindsey said...

It is a good thing that Luke is so cute!

Heidi said...

Sara, I am about to go crazy with my kids also! That is kinda funny about Target though... At lease it was not glass this time right? You can ALWAYS drop them off at my house!!!

Nat Lud said...

Gotta love kids! I totally have days of just 'surviving' too! Hope things are better today!

Sadie said...

LOL!! Sounds all to familiar.

Michelle said...

He is SO cute!! I have to say, I have one about the same age and there's something about the dual natures. One minute you can't stand how cute they are and the next you're ready to scream!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

Hmm, I KNOW how that goes. Don't you just love it? Seriously there are times when I wish I had a mute button for my child and a power button. Wouldn't that be awesome?! This is one of those times that they are lucky they are cute! LOL

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

hey! We changed our blog address! It's now That's where you can find us. I'll be sending out an email too so if I have your email you will get an email too. :) Thanks!!

Nicole said...

We all have those days. Catherine spilled two drinks in one day. One was on someone. Lovely! He sure is a cutie though.