Thursday, February 12, 2009


Madi & Lukester with Mickey!

We had a fun time at Disneyland! Madi and Luke are both at a fun age! Their favorite rides were Peter Pan, Buzz Lightyear(very cute ride), and Teacups. We got to the hotel on Sunday night and unpacked and relaxed. On Monday we were planning on going to the beach but it was raining ALL day. So instead we went to Downtown Disney and watched Hotel for Dogs, ate and went shopping. Tuesday we went to Disneyland and it was bright and sunny and perfect weather (thank goodness)! We were at the park the whole day and had a great time. The highlight of my trip was seeing Seal and Heidi Klum! I was exiting the Dumbo ride and Seal was coming through the exit. I did a double take and realized it was him...and then saw tiny, skinny, beautiful Heidi Klum standing there with another one of their kids! I wanted to take pictures so bad, but I had Mike telling me not to! He was just ticked off that they were walking on rides while all of us had to wait! Then we saw them about 45 minutes later again and I had the perfect opportunity to get at picture, AND... I didn't! Mike isn't star crazy like I am! I was so excited to see them. Anyway, we had a wonderful, much needed vacation! Check out our slideshow below!


Nat said...

So fun!!!!!! I am dying to take our kids to Disneyland. Looks like it was a great time! Cute fam.

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

I LOVE Disneyland! Looks like so much fun and I would have been just like you and wanted to take a picture of Seal and Heidi Klum. It's not everyday you see a star! :) I can't wait to take Austin to Disneyland since he's at a fun age now too.

Lindsey said...

We haven't taken the kids to Disneyland yet. Maybe this summer! Looks like you guys had fun. I don't even think I would recognize Seal or Heidi Klum.

Taylor family said...

I'm glad you guys had fun. I SO need a vacation. I'm star crazy sometimes too. I would have had to hold back not to take a picture. I also would have been depressed the rest of the day that I didn't look like her. :)

Krista and crew said...

I'm glad you guys had fun. Call me so I can get the details. Were hoping to go this year and I could use some tips:)

Janeen said...

That's awesome you saw Seal & Heidi Klum! Was she just as beautiful in person? I looks like you guys had a great time.

Me said...

Linds, you would recognize Seal. He has scars on his face.
That is crazy you guys saw them. I would have been too nervous to get a pic, too. Mandy & I were wondering if you guys were at the beach that first day. It was rainy here, so we figured it was the same there. I bet it was nice to see a movie & chill, though. so glad you guys got a vaca!! You have earned it!

Danielle said...

SO funny you saw Seal because when we were there in October I saw him taking his little boy into the bathroom. He even talked to me! I didn't get a picture either... who knew I would need it on my way to the bathroom!

The Hardy's said...

Hey Sara, do you remember me? I'm sure you do.

I say you should have taken a picture if you really wanted to. If they didn't want people to notice them, then they shouldn't have been there or at least disguised themselves in some way. I bet if you'd asked them, they'd even pose with you,. Man, I'd hate to be a celebrity.

Your kids are cute. Hope you're doing well.