Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Madison's First Day of Preschool...

Excited Madison for her first day!

Today was Madi's first day of preschool. I know we are a little late in the game, but I decided this year to put her in a different preschool than last year. She loved ABC etc. last year, but I just didn't feel like driving all the way out there again this year. Thanks to my friend Tara I found a new preschool, and she absolutely loves it:) She's a pretty easy going child, but I always get so nervous for her starting something new. (Kindergarten next year is going to scare me more than her:) She loves her teacher Ms. Lesly and has already started making new friends. She even let me do her hair in pig tails! (Can you believe it, Mandy?) A lot of you already know that my OCD child Madison has issues w/her hair. She usually only lets me do certain things w/her hair and it drives me nutty! I was in such a good mood this morning since I didn't have any "hair battles" with her! I know that sounds dumb, but if you only knew the struggles I normally have w/ her:) Anyway, she had a great first day, and Luke and I actually got some grocery shopping done! I do have to say 2 1/2 hours away from at least one child was so peaceful! Now...If I could only get rid of Lukester for those 2 1/2 hours! LOL.


Taylor family said...

I'm so glad you found a preschool for her. Is that the one that Barry went to last year? I bet she will just love it.

Mandy Frehner said...

Her hair was the first thing I noticed! Isn't that funny? She looks so cute and will have such a fun time at preschool. Good for her, and you:)

Nat Lud said...

So fun! Hope she has a great year! And I totally understand the hair issues--that's why we chopped Brooklynn's off! Now there's only one option!

Tara Joy said...

I am so glad she had fun. Miss Lesly is so great! I am sure you both will just love her.

Michelle said...

Your kids are SOOO cute! I already have a small glance into the hair drama...Ava hardly ever sits still. I have to bribe, threaten or sometimes a combination to get the job done.

Heidi said...

Madi looks so cute with her hair like that! I am so glad that you found her that preschool... maybe I will put Arielle in it next year(but maybe by then YOU will have your own preschool:) You can bring Luke over anytime!

Lindsey said...

Her hair is very cute! Everyday with Avrie its "I just want a plain old pony, and don't get me wet." You seriously have to come over some time and let our kids play.

CB said...

Oh, I know the hair battle scene very well. Yay for Madison and her first day of school! I am loving having 2 of my kids in school..1 full day and the other 1/2 day but those 2 1/2 hours are a great way for me to satrt my day!!

Katie said...

I know where you're coming from with "hair battles." I felt the same relief if we made it through a day without a fight over hair. Have fun in preschool Madi!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

Her hair is adorable in pig tails. Good luck with dealing with Kindergarten next year...I'm already fretting about Austin going to preschool. :)