Monday, May 5, 2008

Tagged by Holly!

What is the best thing you cooked last week?
Double decker taco's (Mike love's them, and I think mine taste better than taco bells :)

If time, money, and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who?
There are so many places I would go if that were the case. But definitely Japan with Mike (He served his mission there and we've been wanting to go there for awhile). I would also love to go to Hawaii with Mike, and I'd probably take the kids there with us, as long as we had a babysitter to leave them with when they started driving me crazy!

When was the last time you cried?
I cry way too much. As lame as this is, I cried last night when Luke was on my last nerve. Mike was in Reno all weekend for work, and didn't get home until late last night. Having to deal with the kids all weekend by myself was not fun. Luke knows how to push my buttons. (I think he was wondering where Mike was, and I was probably getting on his nerves just as much as he got on mine!)

List 5 things you were doing 10 years ago. (1998)
Well this is interesting. 10 years ago seems like yesterday.

1.I was a working full time at the City of Henderson.

2. Going to school full time. I had just completed a year of college. Deciding which profession I wanted to go into. (nursing, teaching, broadcast journalism), and finally after a year debate I decided to do teaching.

3. I was still dating my high school sweetheart, and started feeling like things weren't
going to work out between us.

4.Getting ready to buy my first car (chevy cavalier)

5. Running a lot.

List 5 things you were doing 5 years ago. (2003)
This also seems like yesterday. Anyhow, here we go.

1. Deciding that I was ready to have a baby, and the baby making began.
(Mike enjoys this process a lot more than me! LOL)

2. Just finished my first year of teaching 2nd grade.

3. Excited that Mike was in school full time now that I was done with my degree. At the time it seemed like he still had so long to go. Now I look back at all we've been through and it flew by.

4. We had just bought our condo (well nov. 2002), and it felt nice knowing it was ours!

5. Enjoying Mike and I going out on the weekends after a long week!

List 5 things you were doing 1 year ago.

1. Mike getting his doctorate degree in Physical Therapy, and being so happy we
could actually feel like a "real" family now! :)

2. Getting ready to celebrate Luke's 1st Birthday. (in June)

3. Mike and I doing a lot of stressing and praying trying to decide which clinic he should work at.

4. I had just got called as the Activity Days Leader in our ward (girls 8-11 years). I still have this calling, which I love, but is a lot of work. I also teach them in primary too.

5. Finally after a year of doing it, I had gotten the whole nursing thing down, and then it was time to stop. (I'm going to be a pro when we have another baby!)

List 7 of your favorite hobbies.
1. Scrapbooking/Digital Scrapbooking
2. Taking the kids to the park.
3. Shopping w/out kids.
4. My new hobby, Blogging.
5. Working out. (I wouldn't necessarily say it's my hobby, I just do it cause I have to!)
6. Watching movies, TV. (Lost is our favorite show, and as lame as it is, you don't want to bother Mike and I when we are watching it!)
7. Going on dates with Mike.

Name 5 of your favorite foods.

1. Pizza (Don Antonios or Montessanos)
2. Chicken Wings (Buffalo Wild Wings Spicy Garlic, yum!)
3. Chicken Caesar Salad
4. Chips and Salsa
5. Diet Coke (does that count? Oh well, that's the one thing I can't live w/out!)

Name 5 places you have been.

1. Washington D.C.
2. New York City
3. Niagra Falls
4. Rosarito, Mexico (That was scary!)
5. San Diego, CA (I know everyone and their mom has been there, but I absolutely love it there!)

List 5 of your favorite memories.

1. Meeting Mike and knowing immediately that he was the one I was supposed to marry.

2. My wedding day, and feeling so lucky to be married in the temple.

3. When I had Madison, and Luke.

4. My first day of teaching and how nervous I was, but how great I felt to finally be doing what I loved.

5. Last Year going to San Diego with my with my whole family.

I pass the tag onto Kenna, Tara, Corey, Heidi, and Erika.


Heidi said...

My favorite answer out of everything you put down was...
1. Deciding that I was ready to have a baby, and the baby making began.
(Mike enjoys this process a lot more than me!

Oh my gosh I almost died laughing! You know you like that part to Sara, so don't lie! j/k

CB said...

Like I said on Mandy's blog..I love these kind of posts! You always, always find out at least 1 interesting thing you never knew about that person! Thanks for tagging me..I'll get right on soon as I come up with enough stuff so I don't sound too boring! :)

Tara Joy said...

Too funny. I love to read about you. Even though I visiting teach you now it is fun to hear how you got to be the person you are.

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

You are so funny! You always did make me laugh