Sunday, April 20, 2008

Madi's Ear Piercing Experience

For those of you that don't know, for Madi's 4th birthday I took her to get her ear's pierced at Libby Lu's! (very cute store!) I thought they were going to pierce both ears at once, but that was not the case! After they did the first ear, Madi looked at me terrified and wondering why I was letting them do this to her! Then they did the second ear and she lost it! I do have to say she did extremely well though. I was expecting much worse. She went to preschool and told everyone she has earrings like mommy's now! So Cute!


Taylor family said...

That's so cute! Ashlyn is too scared to get her ears pierced. She tells me she doesn't want people to poke holes in her ears.

Tara Joy said...

Fun to see you have a blog. Here is our site

CB said...

saydi did her's last year, and has since let them close up because she got an infection in one and decided it was too painful to change the earrings. Boo. These girls! Yeah for Madi!

Nat said...

Hey Sara. Its Natalie (Barton). I'm excited to see your blog and hear about you. Its my new favorite way to get in touch with old friends and people I never see. your kids are cute. Brave little girl to get her ears pierced. I have a blog too, buts its got a private setting on it. email me your email address and I'll send you and invite.

Me said...

one of the twins on Jon & Kate got both of hers done at the same time. is that just for "celebrities" or what? They should do that for all little girls! She looks so cute!

Unknown said...

how cute! what a brave girl. i told maya she could get hers pierced at age 5, but that was a long time ago, so i'm hoping she doesn't remember and we can hold out a bit longer...

MamaB said...

She did really well to let them do the second ear after the first. Where I worked we always did them at the same time and I still felt like a jerk after. I bet she loves them now.