Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blog Updates???

Can anyone tell me why my Blog List does not update? Every once in awhile it will show a few select blog updates, but it doesn't constantly update when other people have posted on their blog...if you can help me out, please let me know:)


The Whittacres said...

Mine does the same thing if someone has posted within three hours of the time I check their blog...did someone post something really recently? Like mine for example I blogged all my recent blogs the last three days but then I posted them all at once today because I wanted to have them all together since they were all related...however they have the date of the day I actually did the blog (without publishing it) so mine personally could look like I blogged three days ago... but really I posted it all today...that also might be the case with others...but usually it takes about three hours for it to update the blog updates...

Lindsey said...

Sometimes mine does it right away, other times it won't update itself unless I get a new comment. Maybe that is not really the trigger, but it seems like it.

Unknown said...

Hey Sara,
I am trying to get my Christmas cards out and I realized I have no idea where you live now. If you can send me an email with your address, I would love it.
