Monday, August 24, 2009


Madi started Kindergarten today! She did such a good job and was so excited to go! I, on the other hand, was scared to death for her! I started worrying about anything and everything that could go wrong! She did great though! When I asked her how it was she said, "BOOORING!" Well, that wasn't quite the response I was expecting! LOL. I didn't think I'd have such a hard time with her going, but I was so stinkin nervous for her! There are a lot of her little friends from our ward in her class, so I think that helps a little bit!

My cute girl before school!

She had to wear her guitar outfit for the first day:)

Standing in line, waiting to start her big day!
I'm a little relieved, now that the first day is done! But, I still have lots of fears. I guess it's just the mother in me:)


Mandy Frehner said...

Um, based on the pictures where Madi is two heads taller than the other kids. I wouldn't worry about people being mean to her:)

Unknown said...

aw, so sweet! our girls are getting so grown up!

Nat said...

I am only a year away from this and I am already stressing and ready to cry. Good luck with it!!!

Heidi said...

Madi looks so cute on her first day! She will do just fine in kindergarten! Tomorrow you will turn around, and she will be in 1st grade:-(

Tara Joy said...

Congratulations on the Kindergartener! That absolutly cracks me up that she said her first day was BORING. The little smarty pants. Hopefully by Friday they will break out the fun algebra to actually challange her:)

CB said...

Yay Madi!! Does she have all day or 1/2 day kinder? I can't beleive how tall she is! She looked so cute in her guitar outfit. I promise, it gets easier..oh about the last day of school. :)

*elle said...

Wow! I can't believe you have a little girl in school! I'm so sad u aren't in our ward anymore...teardrop! You are so hilarious! Let's hang out after u get used to Madi's school schedule!