Monday, April 6, 2009

The crazy month of March!

March pretty much sucked for us, I'm not going to lie! I know everyone usually blogs about the great things that happen, but I'm here to be Debbie Downer and tell you all how March wasn't all that chipper for us! However there were a few good things that happened! For my birthday Mike sent me my favorite flowers, tulips! They were beautiful and made my day (since that day I was stuck home with no car because Mike's totally crapped out on him the day before....see I told you, I'm Debbie Downer!) But, yes, I love getting flowers and loved having them on my table to help brighten my day!

And if that wasn't good enough he surprised me (and by that I mean seriously surprised me) by giving me my Cricut Expressions! I love this bad boy already! I mean seriously, I'm going to have more Vinyl around my house than any other LDS person out there! LOL. And the scrapbooking possibilities...I'm in love!

Seriously, as much as I can complain about how misbehaved my kids can be, they truly have been so good lately and helping their momma all the time! (I've only had to break up a few fights!)

So let's hope April is good to us! I love this time of year and the weather is soooo nice!


Heidi said...
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Heidi said...

April will be wonderful for you guys, I just know it!! I love the flowers, and the cricut!!! I need to come over and have you do some Vinyl lettering for me:-)

We should get all the cousins together this week and do something... Spring break!

Shelly Benson said...

You should make some vinyl lettering that says Debbie Downer. Ha ha! That would cheer you up every time you saw it.

Mandy Frehner said...

That would be so funny! I think you should just do spoof vinyl a really fancy font - like I need prozac or something:) Glad your back and blogging. Mike was so sweet to get you tulips. How thoughtful!

Sadie said...

You're funny!

Lindsey said...

What a fun little gift! And you are not a Debbie Downer. It makes me feel better to I'm not the only one with a crazy life! Lets really set a date to come over and play, it will be fun.

Me said...

I know March sucked. I am so sorry. The flowers are so pretty, what a good man you have. Things will definitly start looking up this month, I can feel it!

CB said...

I'm so sorry march was such a downer for ya...and if you can't vent on your blog then what's it for right? :) Hope you're feeling more cheerful for the month of april! :)

Katie said...

I'm glad you're back! I think April is looking up for you, I hear you're getting a house! Congrats :)

Tara Joy said...

Yeah, on the cricut! How exciting. I pray April is much better.

Peyton AWESOME said...

April rocks for me! It's my birthday month!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

Sorry that your March sucked! Debbie Downer huh? That's a good one and I totally think you should do spoof vinyl stuff. that would be hilarious! Hope April is better for you. :) I'm always around if you need to vent!

Nicole said...

Well, you have some dang cute kids. That's something to smile about. I'm here in norcal far away from all the mormon culture stuff. What's this vinyl lettering thing? What do you do with the vinyl letters once you make them?