Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What we've been up to lately....

It seems like there is no time to rest these days! We have been crazy busy. Here a few things we've been doing...

Madi celebrated her 5th birthday and this is one of many gifts she received...a Taylor Swift barbie.

We had a little family party for her at my sisters house. The day before we had a little party for her at Mike's moms house. She got lots of cute clothes and toys for her birthday.

Madi also started soccer a few weeks ago and has her first game on Saturday. She is having lots of fun and on the same team as 3 other little girls in our ward. They are so cute to watch.

And we can't forget poor little Lukey! Poor child...Madi's in dance, soccer, preschool, and Luke gets to hang out with mama all day! Oh well, he likes it. He has been a little better in stores these days and loves having mommy and Luke time. I took him to the doctor today because he's had a nasty cough, and runny nose. He is on a strong antibiotic and hopefully will start sleeping better. Well, my house looks like a tornando blew threw it....guess I better get off the blog and clean!


Tara Joy said...

Who even knew they made a Taylor Swift Barbie doll? I bet she is in heaven with that one. They can sing the night away together. I am glad to see there is someone who has their kids in something. I keep thinking we have got to get Barry Bretton involved in some type of Extra Curricular activity but there are no takers yet:(

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

WOW! I can't believe you have a 5 year old! She is SOOO cute in her soccer outfit. What a little cutie. I bet Luke LOVES his mama time.

Heidi said...

You have been WAY to busy Sara! Just kidding. Cadence is looking at your blog with me, and she says "Why do they get to do all the fun stuff." I guess I need to put Cadence in a "fun" activity this summer:-) Sorry that Luke is sick (it was probably from my kids) I feel bad:-( Chloe has RSV! She is so crabby! Anyway, I hope everyone gets better fast.

Me said...

tornados frequently blow through the northwest side of town, and right through my house. Crazy!

We need to get our busy selves together asap!

CB said...

Ummm....tornados are often blowing through the southeast end of town too....crazy..they end up in my house too..;p It seems to always be the SAME 3 too. Hmmmmm

Michelle said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like I leave out the second. I hate to think about how the rest of my children are going to be treated!