Monday, November 24, 2008

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas Tag...

My friend Mindy did this tag and I thought it was fun! On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me....
1 embarrassing moment: I know this sounds dumb, but I can't think of a time where I was really embarrassed...I know I've made myself look extremely stupid before, but nothing that stands out!

2 best friends: Mike, mom and sisters

3 things you buy regularly: milk, cereal, Diet Coke (I know I haven't quite given up my addiction yet!)

4 places you want to go (and might actually really go): Hawaii, Japan, On a Cruise, Disneyland (again)

5 goals for the upcoming year (that you might actually do): work out 5 days a week, Be organized, Read my scriptures every night, Pay off debt, Get out of the house before noon.

6 things most people don't know about you: It takes me FOREVER to get me and my kids dressed for the day (I'm doomed if Madi has morning Kindergarten next year!), I love to scrapbook, I write down everything (otherwise I would forget), I love it when other people admit their faults (is that horrible or what?) I think I just like being reassured I'm not the only one that is not perfect, I'm a people watcher (I love watching the weird things people do, or sometimes great things they do!), I love to find a good bargain (but, I also have no problem paying money for something I want really bad!)

7 things you would never say: A curse word of course (hehe!), "I want a cat." (hate them), "I am so skinny!" (Unfortunately I love food too much!), "I hate you!" (to any member of my family, I have no problem saying it to other people. LOL), "No, I don't want that piece of chocolate!", "I hate living in Las Vegas!" (I love living in Vegas/Henderson...home sweet home!), "I hate shopping!"

8 things you love about the Christmas season: The smell, Being with family, after Thanksgiving sales,Christmas Lights/Decorations, Hot Chocolate, Ugly sweater contest, Seeing my kids faces Christmas morning, my dad's homemade fudge.

9 things you say to your kids: "I love you!", "Give momma kisses!", "What in the he*! are you doing?"(I know I'm horrible!), "Do you want to go in time out?" (as if they have an option!), "Which book do you want to read?", "Whose momma's baby?", "I'm going to count to three...", (Tucking them in bed..."As snug as a bug in a rug!"), (When they wake up..."Hi Sugars! Did you sleep well?)

10 things you do a lot: Laundry, Clean the house (which it never looks like it:), cut coupons (I'm getting good at this coupon thing!), change Luke's diaper (the kid craps like 5x a day:), Make dinner, Straighten my hair (it takes forever and drives me nuts!), grocery shopping, go to Target, Iron, blog.

11 things you would rather not live without: my family, the gospel, a hot shower, diet coke, my bed, my van, my cell phone, the internet, good health, a home, my scriptures.

12 people to tag: Tara, Mandy, Katie, Corey B., Heidi, Natalie J., Natalie L., Erika, Lindsey, Kristin, Nikki, Carly...or anyone else.


Katie said...

Cute tag! I hope you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving. Wish we could be there with you all!

Lindsey said...

I want to know what the Ugly sweater contest is, sounds fun!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

I LOVE this! I also love that you say "what the he** are you doing" to your kids...cause I actually say that to but forgot until you said that! We need to get together after this bedrest thing. I miss you Sara! You always make me laugh!

Sara said...

Lindsey- the ugly sweater contest is something we started doing with my family every Christmas Eve. Everyone finds the ugliest Christmas/holiday sweater they can find and we vote who found the ugliest. It is pretty funny what everyone comes up with. I usually find pretty good ones at Goodwill. We've been doing it for about 2 years now and it a lot of fun:)

Krista said...

Do you wear the sweaters, and what's the prize? You're Christmas background looks super cute! I can't believe you find the time to post so many blogs. But I guess if I didn't spend so much time on pictures I'd be able to blog more. Anyway, have a good Thanksgiving.

Sara said...

Krista-Yes, we wear the sweaters and usually the prize is like a DVD, chocolates, or something not too expensive. It is so much fun and something everyone in my family looks forward to now...Thanks to me and Mike starting the tradition:)

Wubird said...

What about chicken bonz for 1 embarrassing moment?