Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bye, Bye Binky....Or not!

So, when Madi turned 2 she threw her pacifier in the garbage and she was done with it...Not the case w/little Lukey! He is so attached to his pacifier (his NaNa as he calls it)! So I thought I may need to get a little more creative. When I took the kids to the library I found this cute little book. It's about this little cat that has a pacifier and by the end of the book he realizes he doesn't need it anymore so he attaches it to a balloon and says Bye, Bye to his Binky...Cute, huh? We'll I thought I had Luke all set up to get rid of it, so here's how it went....

Luke w/ his NaNa for the last time(?)

Luke enjoying the last moments w/his NaNa(balloons attached and all)...

Luke saying "Bye-Bye" to his NaNa! (if you notice the pacifier isn't attached to the was too heavy and wouldn't fly, I know I'm so smart, duh...anyway at the last minute I took it off and pretended it went bye-bye!)
And this was the final result... I always tell my kids that we're sending their balloons to Grandma Slack (my grandma who passed away a couple of years ago) so in this video, that's what I'm saying to Luke...Here's what happened...(pause the music at the bottom of my blog before you play it!)

Yeah, so needless to say I'm a sucker and gave it back to him after dealing w/that for a little while! It probably wasn't the smartest attempting it at night either...another "duh" moment! Poor kid...he is going to look so cute when he's in Kindergarten sucking on a pacifier...hehe..J/K...I'll make another "real" attempt in a couple of months!


CB said...

Love this stage of life..NOT!! With Saydi & Heidi when they started loosing them I just wouldn't buy any more. Abbey never took a pacifier so that was good. :) A friend of mine cut off the nipple parts to break her son of it. You were very creative with your 1st attempt...Good luck! :)

Mandy Frehner said...

I know, just have another kid and have Luke constantly swiping the pacifier. It works really well and they pass germs back and's great!

Katie said...

The thing I hated most about pacifiers was I was always looking for them. I love the balloon idea. Wouldn't you know the pacifier would be too heavy. Nothing works out perfect.

Taylor family said...

That is too cute! I'm so glad that Avery was ready to give hers up when she did, I would not have been able to deal with the crying. I would have given in too. Anyway, I need your email address so I can send you reminders such as the budget for Activity Days. Malia needs it before Wed. so if you could get it to me ASAP that would be great:) Thanks.

Michelle said...

I am right there with you. Ava is 20 months and is more attached than ever to the binkie. I always said I was going to take it away at 18 months for sure, but now reality has hit and the binkie is way too convienient. Like when they get hurt, or when they are throwing a tantrum in public, or when you need a moment of silence or like this last Sunday when it's Stake Conference. And the list goes on...I just don't have guts to take it away right now. Oh well, I guess they wont go to college with it, right?

Peyton AWESOME said...

I always thought my sassa was just an object suck on. I never thought Luke would love his NaNa that much. LOL! Oh and my new blog address is

Heidi said...

Poor little Luke! Doesn't look like he is parting with that thing any time soon! Like Mandy said, have another baby... maybe that would work! My kids never took a sassy so I have no idea what you can do about this... sorry:-)

Krista said...

Oh, gotta love it! I'm sure I'll be right there with you when it comes time for Josh. So, keep practicing and by then maybe I'll know what to do from watching you :)

Nicole said...

I know your pain. Both my kids loved theirs. The key is taking it away early, like 14 months. It stinks for a few days, but then they forget. I waited too long with Mitchell. He was like 18 months. I cut off the ends, one every other day and told him his "plugs" were broken. He carried them around broken for a little while and then just forgot about them. It worked pretty well. Good luck!!

Me said...

Oh my gosh, i dont think I could deny that cutie pie ANYTHING! He is soooo adorable!! My kids never took binkies, which totally drove me nuts for the first 6 months when I was dying for some quiet sucking that didn't inolve ME! But, I guess it came in handy that I didn't have to take it away. My poor kids would probably have theirs forever because I wouldnt have the guts to take it!

Janeen said...

Luke is so cute, how can you say no to that? Decker has a little blanket that he sleeps with & he sucks his thumb whenever he has the blanket, so I'm trying to figure out a "Good-bye" ceremony for the blanket. Maybe we can attach it to like 10 balloons, lol.

Nat said...

I am thinking that I need to take Naomi's away too. Savannah never took one so this is new to me. Naomi is 19 months and I am trying to decide what to do. I'm thinking she'll respond like poor little Luke did if I tried the balloon thing too. That is so cute and sad though. Good luck. Let me know what the trick is.

Callie said...

Lucky for me, Grace was a sassafrass! So every time she stuck her tongue out at me or sassed, we cut another binky...she only had 30(one in every color) so it took a while, and she kept the last one in reserve(pretty sneaky) but all in all, after a month we were binky free. Only downside-when JJ sticks his tongue out, she says ok, JJ, let's go get some scissors so we can cut your tongue good luck-luke probably doesn't sass like my kids and is a cutie patutie, so just good luck!