Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mmm...Diet Coke!

Like most of you know I can drink Diet Coke like no one else! I love it, and always have to drink it. My goal is to only allow myself one Diet Coke a day, and then eventually stop drinking it all together:) I'm hoping since I'm posting it on my blog, that I will actually stick to it! I've been drinking a lot more propel, and crystal light lately, cause it's hard for me to drink plain water as much as I should. (I need some flavor!) I'm usually only good at drinking plain water when I work out. (which isn't often enough!) So, here's to me getting rid of my addiction....


Taylor family said...

I'm with you on that one. I had to seriously cut my addiction down when I got pregnant. One thing that kind of helped at least get rid of the caffeine addiction was to drink the caffeine free kind. Eventually I didn't really want one anymore. Good luck with the whole process

Tara Joy said...

Yay! I am proud of you. I will definatly check up on you on that one.

CB said...

You & me Sara..we're there. I have totally cut out my beloved Dr. Pepper..diet or otherwise. I too started with drinking Crystal Light (still drink it often) but now drink way more water too. In fact, I had a diet dr p yesterday and it literally made me sick. Believe me, it doesn't take long! I'll be thinking of ya while I am killing myself on my treadmill to try to meet my posted goal. ;p

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

I can't stand diet coke so that wouldn't be hard for me, but I know that it's hard to cut back on soda for most people. I am trying not to drink any soda myself anymore (so much for my wonderful Dr. Pepper). I stopped cold turkey 3 days ago and I'm going strong! Although, I have to admit when I pass by the newly remodeled Sonic I am TEMPTED especially at happy hour. Dang them and their delicious drinks! I LOVE water though, so that helps. Good luck. I'm gonna check up on you! :)

Heidi said...

Sara, GOOD LUCK GIRL! You don't give yourself enough credit! You work out a lot, and you try to eat right! You can kick the diet coke to the curb!! I know you can! I need to stop drinking PEPSI... aka sin juice! Talk to ya soon!

Jamie W said...

Good luck on your goal. Another friend is trying to do the same thing because she read an article that talked about how Cola drinks have something in them (I think it was phosphoric acid, but I could be totally wrong) that other sodas don't have that causes bone loss. So you don't want that!! :)

Me said...

we should start a support group. I need to do this too.

Nat Lud said...

Um, I totally tried this same thing in January! Ya know, resolution time. Lasted 9 days. I'm not such a nice person without my dc. Good luck to you! HOpe you're stronger than I am!

Nicole said...

Good luck with that one. My doctor forbade me to drink it last summer, so I have switched to Diet caffiene free Pepsi which is suprisingly tasty. However, I wish I could just kick the habit altogether. We have our mothers to blame. We didn't do this to ourselves.